Project Topic Brainstorm
The above image fits one possible topic for my semester project: pirate stories! Other possibilities include two biblical themes, either stories about couples in the Bible or about Jesus. A fourth option is that of trickster tales!
I love pirate stories, particularly the Pirates of the Caribbean. They always have elements of adventure and danger, as well as some romantic theme. It's also interesting to me that though pirates often have a connotation of being involved with fairytales, they present a realistic danger in many parts of the modern world. I prefer the pirates in Peter Pan. In fact, I would like to read more stories about pirates, since I have loved others. The most probable line of story within this category would likely involve either the Pirates of the Caribbean or Peter Pan. Both possess well-known characters, and it would be fun to tell a story of my own with these characters or even rewrite a popular one!
I must admit, my knowledge of several of these biblical couples is lacking. Though the names are familiar, I would enjoy studying some of these narratives in depth. Not only would this improve my biblical knowledge, but I would also like to have a strong basis for my own story. I think I would have to choose between Abraham and Sarah, and David and Bathsheba. The latter would be quite an interesting story, and I think there are lots of options for creativity. The story itself is fairly popular and scandalous, which would add to the emotional charge of my storybook. I could see something like switching between the perspectives of David, Bathsheba, and Bathsheba's husband.
Though Jesus is not a listed name on the page for men in the Bible, I would imagine that he could be included within this group. I find this topic very intriguing because not only does Jesus play a crucial role in the biblical narrative, he also plays a role in many other world religions. Despite people's views and opinions of who he was and what he did, there is no doubt that he is a significant historical figure. For my project, I would like to examine, in detail, a story from the gospels: namely, the night leading up to the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus. Because of the historical nature of the canonical gospels, there are many creative details missing from these narratives. I would love to take on a creative writing project that expands the night of Jesus' arrest almost in the style of a modern novel.
As you may already know from a previous post, I love trickster stories! The link I provided holds a creative twist, making the trickster relevant to OU. I think the creativity and planning required for these stories is challenging but also entertaining. If I were to pursue this category, I am not sure yet what specific trickster story I would use as a basis. For some reason, when I think of trickster stories, court jesters come to mind. I think that writing a story set in medieval times would be interesting, and the trickster could be someone in a close position to the king. He could use a dramatic trick in order to actually gain the throne for himself!
Image Information: A pirate ship sailing on the sea in the moonlight.
Link: Max Pixel
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